About This Artwork

Edict of The Whimsical

140cm x 200cm
Oil on canvas
Collection of Tuan Haji Zain Azahari Zainal Abidin, Z Gallery

Artist statement

“Gravity does not exist here. Familiarity is abnormal. The peculiarity is the rule. Embracing it is a must”
– Mayor of Cat Town

The way I see it happened, it did not go off with a bang but with an exhaustive series of shrugs and apathy. Society causes its own nightmarish situation which runs amok with morality judgements, interweaving itself with political ascensions and personal
gains. Are we entering Dystopia? The imagined world of high-tech and low life amidst the confusion of the right and wrong judged by the others who is a stranger to the other world. The Mayor of Cat Town would be pleased then, as his tyranny is now seen as the saviour to the wretched life. Maybe we should all follow his “Edict of the Whimsical” on how to live in a dystopian society.


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