About This Artwork

Hume’s Theory

90cm x 120 cm
Oil on canvas

Artist Statement on Inner Sanctum Series

Things that can’t be seen by the naked eye; things that are not there but always exist beyond physicality”


As an artist, I see things in their most basic form. I was also trained as a materials scientist which deals with its physical form at its microscopic or even at the nanoscopic level.  How does one looks beyond that;  beyond the form that represents or define you?  They do not refer to anything in the real world i.e. the world we see every day. In other words, there are no references to a subject outside of the image. There is only a self-reference, a reference to the subject within the image. Similarly in science, from its Cartesian roots, taking things apart and concentrating on one variable or one component in order to understand the system leads to the mechanism of process and sequence of elementary steps. Based on these similarities and by relaxing the structured criterion that requires one on one mapping, my knowledge in both art and science are able to correspond in a non-literal and imaginative analogy. It creates a safe space for experimentation and exploration over new possibilities.


Adopting this micro view in my life has made me seek deep within my inner self and magnify the many colourful layers within the magnificent and vibrant soul. Affirming my existence by strengthening my faith in My Creator through the connection between mind, body and soul in the recesses of my inner sanctum. The four latest artworks in this series identify and visualise the metaphor of a microscopic view of inner space into an abstract understanding of natural science and philosophy. Inner sanctum series pursue the beauty of knowledge and how it relates and connects human understanding to their own experiences. It portrays each layer of our experiences with the fundamental visual elements that exist in balance and movement.  It began as building blocks that represent each of our constituent characters. These experiences made us who we are now, as the layers connect to each other in a never-ending circle.

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