About This Artwork

Egg Pt 4

140cm x 170cm (Diptych)
Oil on canvas
Collection of Tuan Haji Zain Azahari Zainal Abidin, Z Gallery

Artist Statement

I always feel that in order to create anything, one needs to hold out one’s self and be exposed to the elements. In order to come up with a concrete idea or to create a form; one starts from the basic fundamental ideas that are spread out or may I say as “all over the place”. The formation of ideas or gathering of these thoughts can be compared to the act of creation in itself, where


“All that is spread out will come together into the shape of an egg”


What’s the significance of an egg? To me, the egg represents birth; the start and the end. An elliptical shape so stable and strong that not only suppresses various oscillations and echoes inside it that it is able to pursue reproduction of signal sound/wave. I visualize these scattered ideas as atoms and molecules that are spread out and come together due to some invisible connection. It came together in a shape of an egg. My current work in the Birth Series, which consists of oil on canvas paintings measuring 140cm x 170cm, captures this idea. The free-floating circles and the rigid squares, which are stacked layers upon layers, act as the fundamental structure or the building blocks that determine the essential character of a form. The deep red that arrests the eyes into the painting invites you to look beyond the physical form and to feel the energy of formation.

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