About This Artwork

Morphism: The Spiral

140cm x140cm

Oil on Canvas



Artist statement

The abstract idea of morphism has always been a fascinating one for me. A morphism is not a semantic language but rather a graphical one, which is to say it is less concerned with the intrinsic meaning than with the change that happens to a phenomenon. From the Parallel Universe series, I have made oil on canvas painting measuring 140cm x 140cm titled Morphism: The Spiral. It is an interpretation of the idea of spiral growth in our life. How each layer of our life experiences is a layer of process in the making that connected to each other by twisting and bending like the spiral grains of a tree. That these layers are a sacred symbol that represents the journey and change of life as it unfolds; taking a labyrinth-like passage that leads to the Source or in other words, to Our Creator. The spiral symbol can represent the consciousness of nature beginning from its centre expanding outwardly.

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